Enjoy our summer ride

From Uitgeest and Uithoorn, cycling enthusiasts can enjoy a beautiful summer trip along the Stelling van Amsterdam on Sunday 1 June 2025. During a ride of 65, 120 or 170 km they discover (a part of) the old defense line around Amsterdam. The routes take you through the wide and green water landscape in and around Amsterdam. Over the dikes and along forts and fortified towns. The longest distance, 170 km, goes all the way around the Stelling van Amsterdam and passes all 46 fortresses.

Registration will be open in 2025
Sunday 1 June 2025
Start (and finish) locations in Uitgeest and Uithoorn
Routes along the Dutch water landscape
The distances of 65, 120 and 170 km are for everyone
Carefree ride: excellent course and good care

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